Kenya: Shortage of professors a concern at Kenyatta university says VC

Africa/Kenya/04-06-2021/Author and Source:

Kenyatta University Vice Chancellor, Paul Wainaina, has raised concern over few number of professors in the institution, saying it might affect the quality of future education and research.

He said the University has not had a full professor for the past four years to replace those who retire or leave through other causes pointing out that Department of Education has only four full and two associate professors.

Prof. Wanaina observed that most of the remaining professors will be all gone in the coming years, leaving the university at cross roads in terms of education quality and research.

“The future of every university lies with its think tanks who are the professors. There used to be a time when we used to be like eight full professors and several associates. Now it is worrying because I have just a few years left before I leave and I have not seen anyone close to a professor level,” he said.

He said it may seem like dark days in the education industry since the mainstay of quality education is evidence-based knowledge brought by professors.

The Don called on lecturers to further their studies through doing more research and attain the prof. stature, in order to save the future of the departments and the quality of education in the country.

“Professors are the apex of scholarship in any university. We need to get more lecturers promoted into professors to save the quality of education starting with teaching, doing research for solving problems of this nation,” said Wainaina.

He was speaking as one of the lecturers, Dr. Rubai Mandela, launched a book, Before Two Become One, at a Ruiru hotel.

He said the university would support those in the field of research to attain those high education accolades to ensure they bring out qualified scholars, who will hold up the university in future.

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